Our program
Morocco Digital Academy Programs
Mohammed VI Polytechnic University

Through the Morocco Digital Academy, you’ll be able to access advanced online training programs on the following innovative technologies:

Augmented & Virtual Reality
Internet of Things
Full Stack Web Development
Data Science
Graphic & UI UX Design
Digital Marketing & E-Commerce

Our thematic programs are composed of 3 units:

Tech Skills
The program’s main component, it is arranged in a series courses focused on a specific technology e.g. Cybersecurity, Internet of Things (IoT), Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.
Soft Skills
A series of courses enabling the learners to develop a set of skills that are important in a professional or entrepreneurial career like Project Management, Leadership, Team management and collaboration...
Language Skills
A set of courses to strengthen your language and communication skills

Each unit represents a set of skills to be mastered through several Learning Pathways.The Learning Pathways are built on a sequence of pedagogically connected courses, each building on the previous, and preparing for the next in the progression.

Upon accessing a Skill page, you will find the Learning Pathway for this specific skill. You will then need to take the courses in the pathway in their order and validate them all for the Pathway to be validated.

On each course page, you'll find a description of the course and a link redirecting you to our partners’ platforms, such as Coursera or IBM, to take the course and earn its completion certificate from the partner.

When you will have completed all courses and received all the certificates for a learning pathway, go to “Upload Proof of Validation" section where you will have to upload the certificates of all the courses of the pathway, to validate the pathway and advance through the program.

Once you validate completion of all the pathways and upload them, you will be awarded the Morocco Digital Academy by UM6P Certificate.